Monday, February 11, 2013

monday thoughts: words in art, revisited

A while back, I wrote that I didn't much care for word-based prints. Lately, though, I've seen some really good ones—beautiful images that make me nod my head or smile or even sigh in agreement. I'm so impressed by what artists are doing with different styles and colors and sentiments. And I love words: I spent years calling myself a writer, after all. So here's to changing my mind.

(All images from Pinterest.)

1 comment:

  1. I love words in art, but I agree, it's become such a trend, a lot of it is really shmaltzy. But in true you style, I love all these you picked!! The "fucking champion" one we actually printed out and hung above our bed, and the "it could be worse" was my FB profile pic for a while! ha. Did I already mention how gorgeous look in your profile pic?? XX
