Thursday, April 11, 2013

Fiat 500

I'm never really sure how much my kids understand what I do. They sort of get the art-consulting side (helping people buy art isn't terribly complicated), but this blog is kind of mysterious and off their radar. So when Charlie offered a recommendation, I had to take it. Here you have it, a 10-year-old boy's idea of great design: the new Fiat 500. He's dead right: The redesigned, relaunched Fiat is smart, sharp, adorable, sassy—and it's got great lines and comes in great colors. If I needed an extra very tiny car for zipping around Bethesda, this would be my choice, hands down. The only question: sage green, silver, or (call me crazy) candy apple red?


  1. The pics aren't working :(

  2. Looks OK for me. ??? BTW your posts have been SO great lately. xo
